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Chapter 3: The Burning Man

Chapter 3: The Burning Man

A year passes by in the blink of an eye, and Liu Jin's life continues without any great altercations. Training with the Xiao Sect has been good for him; already he walks with more grace than other children his age.

As a disciple, he is neither particularly noteworthy nor is he bad. It would not be wrong to call him average. Of course, being an average disciple of the Xiao Sect, even one from the lowest class of disciples, can still be said to be quite the achievement. While he had some troubles with the other disciples in the beginning, they slowly got used to him. Xiao Nan's presence served as a strong deterrent for those with ill-thoughts in their minds.

It also helped that Big Nose Li was promoted to Inner Disciple one month after Liu Jin arrived. The disciple had no time to worry about someone with such a low position as Liu Jin anymore. Without him to stir up the rest of the disciples, the negative feelings towards Liu Jin declined even further.

However, being a disciple of the Xiao Sect is not all there is to Liu Jin's life.

After all, he is not a full-time disciple like the others. He still lives with his father. It is an allowance that is only possible thanks to his father's friendship with Xiao Zheng. After Liu Jin finishes his duties for the day, he helps his father out in the clinic. Some days, he does not go to the Xiao Sect's compound at all but instead stays with his father, learning from him and helping him out.

Today is one such day.

"Ah, the air outside the city is something else," Xiao Nan says, stretching his arms above his head.

"It is nice. I guess," Liu Jin says in answer to Xiao Nan's comment.

The two are already outside the city and walking further away from it. While helping his father usually means staying in the clinic and helping him treat the patients, there are also days like this one, days where Liu Jin gets to go outside to gather medical herbs.

For a doctor like his father, whose meridians are ruined beyond repair, gathering medical herbs is vital. For as long as he can remember, Liu Jin has gone with his father to gather herbs. Even though Liu Jin is young, he can already distinguish most of the medical herbs his father uses. It is because of this that his father has started to allow him to go outside the city without him provided a guard from the Xiao Sect accompanies him.

This time the guard is Xiao Nan, something that has become more and more common. Ever since he became a disciple of the Xiao Sect, Xiao Nan has been showing up more often around their clinic.

"Little Brother, that's no good," Xiao Nan says suddenly, making Liu Jin blink.


"If you are so quiet, you will not be popular with girls," Xiao Nan explains, raising a finger to underscore his point. "I know you are still young, but it never hurts to start thinking about this type of thing early. Cultivation is important, but cultivating a reputation among females is also important."

Hearing words that would make one half of the world's cultivators sigh and the other smile, Liu Jin can do little but to stare blankly at the teen.

"Are women really so important?" Liu Jin asks. Even though there are female disciples in the Xiao Sect, Liu Jin cannot recall ever interacting significantly with them. In fact, the old ladies that come regularly to his father's clinic are the only females with whom he interacts with regularly.

Xiao Nan nods vigorously. "Of course they are, little brother. To become a real man, women are a necessity. Our patriarch has multiple wives, you know? Personally, I am aiming for at least two."

To an outsider, his words would no doubt sound boastful. However, as a high-ranking member of the Xiao Sect, that goal is well within his grasp. Xiao Nan possesses not only good looks, but he is also a strong cultivator from a wealthy clan. Besides, there are no real laws against having more than one spouse.

If you are wealthy enough to maintain more than one partner, you can have more than one partner. That is the way the world works.

"If Elder Brother is only aiming for two, then I don't think I have a chance of ever finding a wife," Liu Jin says, mentally tallying up his good points against Xiao Nan's and coming woefully short. In terms of looks, skill, power, and wealth, he cannot possibly compare.

"As usual, Little Brother underestimates himself," Xiao Nan replies, wagging his finger. "You possess many qualities women will find attractive in the future."

"Like what?" Liu Jin asks, cocking his head to the side.

"For starters, you are a doctor's son, Little Brother," Xiao Nan states in a matter-of-fact way. "And not just any doctor, but the best doctor in the city, no matter what others may say. That is not something that can ever be overlooked."

"My father's achievements are not mine," Liu Jin replies. Nevertheless, there is a big smile on his face. He likes it when people compliment his father. It is one of the things he likes most about Xiao Nan. While some people are hesitant to pick a side between his father and Doctor Wu, Xiao Nan has never been shy about making his position known to others.

"That may be true now, but if I am not mistaken, Little Brother plans to follow his father's footsteps. Is that not so?"

Liu Jin nods. He has never made a secret out of it. Becoming a doctor like his father is his greatest wish.

"Well then, with such a good teacher, how can Little Brother not become a great doctor himself?" Xiao Nan says. "That is simply not possible. Even a child can figure out this much."

Faced with Xiao Nan's logic, Liu Jin can only nod.

"No matter how much time passes, people will always get sick. That is an inescapable truth. As such, doctors are always welcome no matter what. There is no shortage of single women who wish they could marry a doctor."

As he says this, Xiao Nan nods in perfect agreement with himself.

"Besides," Xiao Nan adds, "from what I see, Little Brother's cultivation is going at a good pace. Those who are strong are popular. This is a fact of life."

"Elder Brother, I am only in the Foundational Realm," replies Liu Jin. "There is nothing noteworthy about that."

Even if all the people in the world are able to use Qi, it is preposterous to think they are all on the same level. The truth is different realms of cultivation exist, and between each one there is an abyss of power. A difference of just one Cultivation Realm can be said to be the same as the difference between Heaven and Earth.

In addition to that, each Cultivation Realm has nine levels so even if two cultivators belong to the same realm, they are not necessarily equal. In fact, as one reaches higher realms of cultivation, the difference between these levels only becomes bigger.

The Foundational Realm to which Liu Jin belongs to is the lowest of all cultivation realms. It is only natural for Liu Jin who is but eight-years-old to be there.

"True," Xiao Nan says, nodding. "You are not the type of prodigy that is able to break past the Foundational Realm before seeing eight springs. However, you are already at the sixth level of the Foundational Realm. Your improvement since becoming a disciple is noticeable. If you keep it up, you will break past the Foundational Realm and enter the Inner Realm in two years at most."

"Would that really be a big achievement?" Liu Jin asks, cocking his head to the side. "Being able to reach the Inner Realm before seeing ten springs is not unusual in the Xiao Sect."

The Inner Realm is the second Cultivation Realm. Since it is the second-lowest of the Cultivation Realms, it is not only normal but expected for people to reach it within their lifetimes. Indeed, a grown man who has not reached the Inner Realm is worthy of mockery.

However, the standards of the Xiao Sect are even higher. Someone who cannot reach the Inner Realm before seeing twelve springs is a failure among failures. Most reach it when they are ten-years-old.

As for Xiao Nan, it goes without saying he broke past the Foundational Realm and the Inner Realm many years ago.

"The Xiao Sect is the Xiao Sect. The rest of the city is the rest of the city," Xiao Nan replies. "What is considered normal in one can be considered extraordinary in the other. Little Brother's achievements may be considered normal in the Xiao Sect, but they are no doubt impressive by the standards of the average citizen of Eastern Port City."

Once again Xiao Nan's words might sound arrogant to a stranger, but they are the simple truth. The Xiao Sect is the strongest in the city. When observed in that perspective, Liu Jin who can meet the standards of the lowest level of disciple within the Xiao Sect is without a doubt worthy of praise.

While Liu Jin cannot find fault in Xiao Nan's words, being praised so freely leaves him feeling a little uncomfortable. The young child fixes his gaze firmly up ahead to save himself from replying. After all, they are already close to their usual gathering spot.

Suddenly, Liu Jin frowns.

"Elder Brother, is that-"

"I see it, Little Brother," Xiao Nan replies. His easy-going manner from earlier is gone. "Quick. Follow me."

Xiao Nan takes off running with Liu Jin trailing behind him. Roughly 50 meters away from them is a person unconscious on the ground. Xiao Nan reaches the man first. The man is face-down on the ground so Xiao Nan carefully moves him face-up. The man's robes are dirty, and his right fist is clenched tightly at his side.

The man is old, Liu Jin notices as he gets closer, very old. His hair is pure white, and he has a long thin beard. His skin is ghostly pale, and sweat drips from his face. There is no doubt in Liu Jin's mind that this man needs medical attention.

"Stop!" Xiao Nan shouts just as Liu Jin is about to check the old man's vital signs. Liu Jin's eyes widen in confusion.

"Little Brother," Xiao Nan says in a grave tone, "since I am the one who touched this old man first, it is natural for you to get the wrong idea, but I want you to look at him very carefully."

Liu Jin cannot say he understands but nevertheless he furrows his brow and does as Xiao Nan bids him.

Now that he knows he is looking for something, Liu Jin notices it right away.

A faint cloud of steam rises from the old man's body. No, it isn't only that. Even the ground where he had been lying is partially melted. Now that Liu Jin has gotten over his initial surprise, he can feel how hot the air around them is compared to before.

The truth is clear to him now. For some reason, the old man's body is unnaturally hot. It is as if there is a furnace burning inside of him.

"How?" The word escapes Liu Jin's mouth before his brain finishes processing the sight in front of him.

"I was hoping Little Brother would know," Xiao Nan says. "I realized it once I touched him. His body temperature is unreasonably high. Even I find it uncomfortable to hold him. A weaker person would have burned just by touching this man."

"Thank you," Liu Jin says, now understanding the reason for Xiao Nan's actions. "If you had let me touch him, I would have been seriously hurt."

Saying it like that is an understatement. The difference in strength between Xiao Nan and Liu Jin is the difference between Heaven and Earth. Had Liu Jin touched that man, losing just one of his limbs would have been lucky.

"However, I am afraid I must disappoint Elder Brother. I have never seen an ailment like this."

His father has taught him plenty of things. In spite of his young age, Liu Jin's knowledge of medicine is certainly something that would surprise more than one doctor. Already he can recognize several types of medicinal herbs and has memorized their uses. His father has even taught him how to prepare pills and remedies.

"The world is larger than your mind can comprehend, son," His father told him once. "That is only to be expected. You have only known Eastern Port City and its surrounding areas. However, there is much more out there. In this world, there are illnesses that can turn people to stone and poisons that can freeze your very soul. What I am about to say is selfish, but I hope you never have to deal with such things."

Back then, he thought his father was exaggerating to make a point. However, looking at the old man who seems to be boiling from the inside, Liu Jin recognizes his father's words were nothing but the truth.

"A shame. If nothing is done, I don't see how he will survive," Xiao Nan says, looking at the old man. "I could try carrying him to the city, but I am not sure if his body could survive the journey as he is."

Thoughts race wildly through Liu Jin's mind. Surely, there is something they can do for the old man? Perhaps they could try to bring his father here? Xiao Nan is certainly fast enough for it or perhaps...

A peculiar scent reaches Liu Jin's nose causing him to frown. A theory starts to form in his mind.

"Elder Brother could you open his fist for me?" He asks Xiao Nan, pointing to the old man's closed fist. Xiao Nan looks at him oddly but nevertheless does as he asks.

Ashes fall to the ground from the old man's hand.

Red ashes.

In fact, there are lots of red ashes around the old man.

Liu Jin blinks as he looks around the old man's body. He finds what he is looking for just a meter away.

Red Spirit Grass.

It is one of the herbs he has come here to gather. All things considered, Red Spirit Grass is a very common herb. It enjoys popularity among old people as it is possible to boil it to create a special drink that soothes joint pain.

However, that's not all there is to it.

Red Spirit Grass possesses a unique property among herbs. It is one very few people know about or so his father told him. When exposed to certain rare substances, it experiences very violent reactions that completely change its properties.

This old man was trying to reach for the Red Spirit Grass. Liu Jin can see that now. However, he probably fainted right after managing to grab one. The Red Spirit Grass in his hand turned to ashes, and upon touching the floor, he burned all the Red Spirit Grass in his immediate vicinity.

Had it been an accident, a last desperate measure, or had the old man truly known what he was doing?

"Elder Brother, it pains me to ask you this, but can you check the old man's body to see if he has any herbs on his person?"

"Have you come up with an idea to cure him?" Even as the question leaves his mouth, Xiao Nan is already checking the old man's robes for anything of importance, ignoring whatever discomfort the heat causes him.

"I dare not say," Liu Jin replies, shaking his head.

"Oh, now this is interesting," Xiao Nan says as he holds up a simple pouch.

"A pouch?" Liu asks, puzzled. It does not look particularly noteworthy. It is a simple leather pouch that can comfortably fit in a grown man's hand. If anything, it looks worn and dirty.

"Little Brother is forgiven for thinking so. After all, a Spatial Item is not something one sees every day."

Hearing this, Liu Jin's eyes go wide open.

A Spatial Item! His father had mentioned them a couple of times. They are rare, expensive items that are, in plain terms, much bigger on the inside than they are on the outside. A person could store an entire house inside some of them and still have plenty of space left.

As Liu Jin is still digesting this information, Xiao Nan opens the pouch and reaches inside. Liu Jin watches in amazement as Xiao Nan's entire arm disappears into the small pouch.

"How does one even find what he stores in such a vast space?" Liu Jin asks.

"It is not as complicated as you may think. The Xiao Sect has quite a few of these, granted most of them can only hold 10 to 100 items," Xiao Nan replies. "You only need to think of the item you stored in order to retrieve it. This means thieves have a hard time getting things out."

Xiao Nan growls as he pulls out a single seed from the pouch.

"Of course, the same holds true for us right now," he adds, showing the seed to Liu Jin who quickly shakes his head in negative. "I am focusing my mind on herbs and plants but that is not specific enough. Were you thinking of any particular herb, Little Brother?"

"I am sorry to disappoint, but I think I'll know the herb when I see it," Liu Jin replies a bit sadly.

"Let's hope we find it soon then." With those words, Xiao Nan goes back to look. He pulls out many seeds and many herbs, some which Liu Jin recognizes and some he doesn't.

The ones he recognizes call his attention the most.

Leaves of a Spring Copper Blossom.

Root of an Evergreen Costus.

500-year-old Purple Heartwood of a Golden Kmeria Tree.

All of them are rare and valuable ingredients. Liu Jin knows this well. A person could buy a large house by selling just one. It makes him wonder about the ones he doesn't recognize.

Is it possible they are worth even more?

If so, just who is this old man?

His thoughts, however, are soon cut short as Xiao Nan pulls another herb. It is an herb he has only seen in a book belonging to his father.

Violet Frozen Foxglove.

It is a special variation of Foxglove which only grows in particularly cold areas where snow is abundant. Frozen Foxglove can only bloom in two ways. If the flower is white, that means it is safe to eat. White Frozen Foxglove can be used in many medical recipes.

Violet Frozen Foxglove is deadly.

A person who makes the fatal mistake of eating Violet Frozen Foxglove will die within twenty-four hours.


"That one," Liu Jin says, reaching out to grab the Violet Frozen Foxglove in Xiao Nan's hands.

"I will trust your judgement on this one, Little Brother," Xiao Nan says, handing him the flower.

It is without a doubt a poisonous flower. A single bite is enough to kill a grown man. If Xiao Nan knew of its properties, he would have no doubt refused to give Liu Jin the flower. Trying to use something so obviously poisonous to heal someone would be the height of foolishness. No doubt most people would think like that.

However, the difference between poison and medicine is a single step. His father has taught him that.

In this case, that step involves the Red Spirit Grass.

Liu Jin quickly grabs the red ashes of the Red Spirit Grass with one hand and the Violet Frozen Foxglove with the other. He closes his eyes and focuses on the flow of Qi through his body, trying to match his breathing to it.

He has done this before. His father has talked him through the process more than once and helped him make a few low-level pills. Liu Jin knows he can do this. Even if he hasn't brought any of the proper tools, he just needs to harmonize his Qi with the ingredients in order to refine them properly.

The ashes of the Red Spirit Grass react right away and begin swirling in his palm. That is the easy part.

The Violet Frozen Foxglove proves a greater challenge.

It is without a doubt a high-level ingredient, one he has no experience with. This is not a recipe he has studied before. Liu Jin doesn't even know if his theory is right. At this point, even calling it a theory is too much.

It is simply instinct.

However, if he doesn't succeed, the old man will die. As someone who wishes to follow in the footsteps of his father, he can simply not allow that.

Sweat appears on his forehead as he keeps focusing his Qi. Slowly, the Violet Frozen Foxglove begins to react to him. He can feel the flower's essence beating in unison with his Qi.

Slowly, he brings his two hands together.

The reaction nearly blows him away.

It is what he hoped would happen. The ashes of the Red Spirit Grass react violently when exposed to the Violet Frozen Foxglove. He can feel the two energies interacting with each other. No, not just interacting, smothering each other. Yes, this is exactly what he expected to happen. Even so, it takes all the strength he has to keep his hand together. If he brings them apart, even for an instant, the process will be ruined.

It takes ten minutes for the process to stop and his only thought when it ends is that he should have been able to do it in one.

Nevertheless, he soon segues into the next step. The two essences are now one, and he uses his Qi to constrict them into a small pellet.

Liu Jin releases a deep breath once he opens his hands. There is a small pill of a dull red color there now. He examines it for a moment before giving it to Xiao Nan.

"Elder Brother, please feed this pill to him," Liu Jin says tiredly. His face is a little pale from the effort. As someone who is still only in the Foundational Realm, the entire process has been too much for him. No, even for someone in the Inner Realm it would have been a troublesome process.

It is a testament to his father's teachings and Liu Jin's own efforts that the whole thing worked so well.

Xiao Nan immediately takes the pill from Liu Jin's hands. He does not ask what Liu Jin has done or if he is sure it would work. He simply feeds the pill to the old man. Both Xiao Nan and Liu Jin watch the old man in silence after that.

A minute passes and nothing changes.

Five minutes pass and nothing changes.

Ten Minutes pass and nothing changes.

However, after fifteen minutes something happens. It is slight at first, and only Xiao Nan who is the closest to the old man notices, but the old man's temperature begins to go down.

After five minutes, color returns to the old man's body.

After ten minutes, the old man's body temperature becomes safe to touch.

After fifteen minutes, he stops sweating.

"Little Brother," Xiao Nan says, amazed. "Never dare say again no woman will be interested in you. This Xiao Nan is now certain you will become a genius doctor."

"Elder Brother, I think we have more important things to worry about," Liu Jin says. Despite his words, he is too happy that the old man will not die to hide his smile.

"On the contrary, Little Brother. This is the most important thing," Xiao Nan says with a teasing smile. "However, I shall listen to you this time. What shall we do now? We cannot leave the old man here. Shall I take him to the Xiao Sect's compound?"

Liu Jin shakes his head. "No. It is better if my father takes a look at him first. It is not certain his symptoms won't return. The safest thing to do is taking him to the clinic. It is a shame, but we will have to gather herbs some other time."

"Very well then, Little Brother," Xiao Nan says, as he stands up with the old man's body in his arms. "Let's do as you say and take this man to the clinic."

Like that, the two start their way back to the city.


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