
Chapter 13: Invitation

Chapter 13: Invitation

“Aaaarrrrrrrrr”, A muscular man screamed at the height of his lungs collecting a terrifying amount of destructive ki. A bright yellow aura surrounded the man’s body at first and then flared above him coming to a point. The aura resembled a giant flame flickering above the man and dancing as it continued to grow and gain strength.

The man then condensed the aura into a dense ball as he yelled more. The entirety of the energy was then released a single ball of destruction. It flew at an amazing speed towards a mountain where it made contact with the mountain side. A giant eruption followed with a large chunk of the mountain side being totally and utterly obliterated.

The man heard a clap to his side and looked over at a second muscular man. The man clapping said, “Damn Jacek! I’d hate to be on the receiving end of that blast. You have to be the strongest person in our age group, easily.”

Jacek stood in a pair of tight pants and chest armor specific to his family, the Heraklinos Family, and it bore his family crest on it. He laughed and said, “I haven’t met anyone stronger in our age group. These are the benefits of real combat experience. I suppose I should thank the rebels for giving me live combat training. Wouldn’t you say Vega?”

Vega jumped from his relaxed seated position. The two men were both 27 years old with muscular builds, and both men stood at just over 6 feet tall.

Vega saluted Jacek and said, “Yes sir, Lord Heraklinos.”

Jacek laughed and punched Vega in the shoulder, “Cut that shit out when we are training. We’ve been best friends since we were kids, and there’s no one I trust more to be by my side in battle than you.”

Vega laughed and said, “And yet you take none of my advice when it comes to girls.”

Jacek threw Vega a set of chest armor and said, “Put this on, are you ready to spar? And I’ve told you a thousand times… your relationship advice is simply dreadful!”

Vega put the armor on over his head and said, “Ready to spar. And I know, I know. You have a perfect girlfriend as it is. I’m not advocating to break up with her. I mean… you can’t really? Can you? I’m just saying she’s better on paper than she is in real life.”

Jacek and Vega took fighting positions 15 yards opposite of each other and both began to build massive amounts of energy as it collected around them.

Jacek then launched from his fighting stance throwing a punch propelled by his ki. Vega blocked it and followed up with a short-range energy blast of ki in Jacek’s chest sending him flying backwards.

Jacek stood up with a charred mark on his chest armor, and said, “I can break up with her, but I don’t want to. As you said, she is perfect even if she is more perfect on paper than in person.” He then launched forth once more at Vega and punched him again.

Vega formed an ‘X’ with his arms to block the punch; however, this time, the punch was several orders of magnitude stronger, and Vega was sent flying back into the mountain side. He crashed into the mountain as he was completely embedded into the bedrock.

A large flash of yellow light then emanated from the rubble, disintegrating the rock surrounding Vega, and he stepped forward without a scratch as he said, “On a different, yet maybe related, topic… How about Princess BloodStar’s successful foray into international politics?”

Vega jumped up into the air and formed two yellow ki blasts in his hands and sent them flying at Jacek. Jacek smiled and batted both energy blasts away into the surrounding mountains. The entire Earth shook with a rumble as the two men casually sparred exchanging punches and energy blasts.

Jacek called out while exchanging blows, “Very impressive. I have heard stories of her of course. And I have heard even more stories about her family from my father.”

Vega grimaced as Jacek began to use more of his strength to overwhelm him. However, he managed to say, “She mentioned you by name, man. In her press conference.” He struggled to finish his sentence as Jacek caught him off guard and kicked him into the side of the mountain once more.

Vega recovered quickly seemingly unphased by the massive attack and said, “She said she was stronger than you in her press conference. Are you going to address that? As the Lord of this province and heir to the Heraklinos Family, you have a reputation to uphold.”

Vega then used a speed technique to appear directly above Jacek and slammed him into the ground several feet with Jacek’s body making an imprint in the rock below him.

Vega prepared a second attack; however, he was too late. Jacek sprang upwards and quickly formed a massive energy ki blast in his hand and shot it point blank at Vega sending him flying once more into the mountain.

Jacek called out, “She wasn’t being serious. There’s no way she believes she is stronger than me.”

Vega began to look a little fatigued as he said, “So what? You think she was sending a different message to you? You think she was flirting with you?”

Vega powered up collecting as much ki as he could. He then fired it at Jacek straight on. There was no trickery, it was just a powerful attack meant to challenge his opponent head on. Jacek grunted and roared as he met the attack head on and prepared to block it.

He dug his feet in and allowed the blast to collide with him. He struggled with the mighty ball of energy; however, he was eventually able to volley it upwards into the sky. The instant he did though, Vega was waiting with a powerful kick to his back.

Jacek wasn’t completely caught off guard though, and he met Vega’s kick with a punch of his own. Both men were sent flying in opposite directions crashing into the surrounding terrain.

Vega was the first to recover and walked over to Jacek who still lay flat on the ground. Vega outstretched his hand to help Jacek up and said, “You know. I’ve gotten a lot stronger over the years. You might just have to start being more serious when you spar with me from now on.”

Jacek laughed and said, “That was a hell of an attack. It likely would’ve killed a lesser warrior.”

Vega laughed, “A lesser warrior? You mean literally anyone else? Thank you for the compliment.”

Jacek stood up with Vega’s help and brushed himself off as he said, “She wasn’t flirting with me. She was simply trying to create another international invitation, I’m sure.”

Vega and Jacek began to make the several-miles-long walk back to the royal fortress grounds. Vega asked, “And so? Are you going to invite her over for a sparring match? Whatever her intentions… she did challenge you on an international level.”

Jacek began to contemplate the idea as Vega continued, “I mean if nothing else, we could spar with her Gladiator Champion, Nero. I think I could take that guy. Everyone has been buzzing about him defeating Karasu’s weakest seat. Come onnnnn! I could’ve done that in my sleep when I was a teenager.”

Jacek replied in a serious tone, “You know, it might not be such a bad idea to invite her over here. I’ve only ever heard of the terrifying horrors her family has placed on the world, but her recent trip to the United States would suggest she is a saint. As a leader in this world, I need to know which is the truth. I can’t simply rely on the opinions of our elders who have a very tainted perspective given their proximity in life to the Great War.”

Vega cheered him on, “Yea man! This is Xenia we are talking about, not her old mom Victoria. Xenia is way finer too. I mean did you see her body in those dresses she wore in the U.S.? She knows how to be sexy and fashionable. Are you sure you’re not interested in her? Because if not, I am definitely going to be making a move on her.”

Jacek laughed and pat Vega on the back, “I am quite certain. And I wish the best of luck to you. If you can stabilize international relations through a relationship with her, that would make you one heck of a dignitary.”

Vega laughed and said, “She’s the opposite of your girlfriend. Xenia is terrible on paper, but she’s perfect in person.”

The two approached the royal fortress grounds. A patrolling officer spotted the two and gave a signal to another officer on duty. Seconds later a loud trumpet played as the officer announced their return, “Lord Heraklinos and General Magnus on deck!”

The soldiers nearby rushed to form a welcoming line for the two as they entered the massive gate door. The soldiers held their positions in salute as Jacek and Vega passed into the fortress-like structure. Jacek called out, “At ease soldiers.”

Vega also called out, “You heard our Lord. At ease you bastards.”

The men held their positions still though. Both Jacek and Vega might only be 27 years old; however, they had led their men to numerous overwhelming victories on the battlefield. The two men often times ordered their soldiers to stay back in risky battlefield situations in order to minimize deaths amongst their ranks.

Their immense strength, outstanding leadership abilities, and genuine care and respect for those who served under them had propelled them to the rank of Heroes within their country and especially within the Province that Jacek Heraklinos himself oversaw.

Jacek reached the entrance to the Royal Command Center and turned around to see each and every soldier still standing at attention. He shook his head and said, “You respectful bastards. Beers on me tonight!”

The soldiers finally broke rank and began to cheer. They knew that when Lord Heraklinos threw a party, it was a party to remember. No one would miss it if they could help it.

As the soldiers cheered in celebration, Jacek and Vega entered the Royal Command Center. They careened through the structure until finally they reached a private room where both men removed their chest armors and lounged comfortably and began to converse casually.

Jacek took a sip of water and said, “You know. You’re right. Not about the smoking hot babe stuff or the challenging me stuff, but we really do need to get to know The BloodStar Empire more if the world is to change for the better. If they are to exist alongside us like we have chosen, rather than obliterating them, then we should make it a peaceful co-existence.”

Vega nodded as he drank a water as well and said, “All kidding aside. The BloodStar Empire has made an effort. It is our turn to reciprocate an effort. We have both found that cooperation can go a long ways towards peace.”

The two men paused in silence and Vega then said, “Oh but also… all kidding aside… she is still a smoking hot babe.”

Jacek chuckled and shook his head. He then said, “Fine, let’s make it happen. A sparring match it is.”

Vega picked up a phone and spoke into it, “Yes Colonel, please report to our current location at once with haste.”

Only moments later, the Colonel on duty arrived, “Yes Lord and General. How may I assist you?”

Jacek proudly said, “Draft an invitation for a friendly sparring match.”

The Colonel nodded his head, “And whom am I to invite, Lord?”

Jacek chugged his water bottle and tossed it aside, “Princess Xenia BloodStar of the BloodStar Empire.”

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