Chapter 430 - 430
The day of departure was sunny. The summer sun was warming, and I was enjoying its rays, standing in my school uniform, but without a robe, on the Astronomy Tower. Strange sensations were assaulting my mind, and I'm willing to bet that you could easily read sadness in my gaze right now. It was with this look that I looked around the surroundings of the castle, its towers, windows, almost every stone in the walls, or the patterns of lattice windows.
"Enjoying the view, Mr. Knight?"
At my side stood the headmaster in his mauve robe and hat, his gray beard swaying in time with the wind.
"Yes. I think I'm trying to remember. I'm sad and happy at the same time that I graduated from school, and this stage of my life has come to an end."
"It's a great place, I must say," smiled the headmaster. "Did you know that from here, if you look closely, you can see the very edge of the centaur watch post?"
"No, Headmaster. I wasn't paying attention."
"Over there," Dumbledore pointed a finger toward the forbidden forest.
After looking more closely and strengthening my vision, I really noticed on the hill among the slightly dark needles of trees a very well camouflaged… Something. Obviously man-made.
We were silent for a while, peering into the Forbidden Forest.
"It's amazing to me," the headmaster continued. "That as I peer into the forest, I discover something new every time. You haven't followed my advice yet, have you?"
Suddenly changing the subject, Dumbledore looked at me.
"No. Decided to wait."
"What? Ah... I see. I can't blame you for not trusting me. In fact, I must commend you. You have to be on your guard with the powers that be. Guys like me are a lot on their minds, even if they look like funny, crazy old men."
"I know, Headmaster."
We stood in silence for a few more minutes.
"Why did you announce at the feast that Voldemort was finally dead?"
"Why not?" the headmaster shrugged. "Everyone already knows that. As well as who helped him find peace. Rumors are like that."
"I've noticed."
"But it's worth giving credit," the headmaster smiled even wider. "Thanks to an unwarranted, to some extent, fear of you, many students from Slytherin have learned cleaning spells to a non-verbal level, and some even to a wandless level."
"Hmm..." a smirk crept onto my face on its own. "Also, Headmaster, you shocked me with your announcement that you were stepping down as Headmaster."
"Was there a choice? A day or two, and the statement wouldn't be needed anymore."
"Right. Do you think if Beans had been headmaster, he would have been removed from office because of his ghostly nature?"
"Ah, good question!" Dumbledore pretended to think, stroking his beard. "I think it's unlikely. More precisely, they would have taken him off, but where to put him? There would be two headmasters."
"Have you considered to live some more? You must have studied the way I healed from the Lupin bite."
"Of course, I studied it. Indeed, getting into the Chamber of Secrets without being proficient in Parseltongue was rather problematic. Did you pack your tent, by the way?"
"Of course."
"So, I've studied it. But you know, this is not my case. Even if I suddenly changed my mind about dying, such a ritual would not help me in any way — the curse also affects the soul. By the way, since such a conversation came up..."
The headmaster took out his wand and held it out to me.
"I believe this belongs to you."
"An interesting thing..."
Of course, before I took one of the Deathly Hallows in my hands, I checked it for any magic or traps, causing the Headmaster to look disapprovingly. It's just... To curse or set a trap on a wand is such a wild mauvais ton that it's better to shoot yourself. To resurrect and shoot yourself again.
"I can't help myself," I shrugged, smiling guiltily.
"After all, green colors would suit you, Mr. Knight."
Taking this strange wand with several bumps, I listened to the sensations and launched Avis into the sky. A flock of white pigeons literally flew off the wand. There were a lot of them flapping and cooing vigorously, spreading their feathers, and eventually flying away.
"A very well done spell."
"Thank you, Headmaster. Your praise is not an empty word."
I perfectly felt of exactly how this wand worked, for I had experienced something similar on more than one occasion.
"Do you know how it works?" with a question, I looked at the smiling headmaster, who folded his hands in front of him.
"Do you understand?" he was really surprised. "Well... of course, I know. I mean, like I said, I was into science fiction in my day, and with it, conventional science."
"An ordinary resonator to increase the volume of magic at the output."
"Exactly that," nodded the headmaster, "allows its owner to go beyond the limits of possibilities that are outlined to man by his nature."
"I don't need it. Do you mind if I destroy this Deathly Hallow?"
"Do as your mind tells you. But I will tell you that this wand has served me well in growing my personal power."
Throwing the wand in the air, I waved my hand, immediately summoning the Sword, and sliced it in two on the fly, immediately commanding the Sword to disappear. Of course, when cutting, the command to absorb was given — the resonator built into my soul wouldn't hurt me.
"It's a bit of a pity even..." Dumbledore looked after the halves of the wand falling down. "Well, it's for the best. Too much trouble from it. What are your plans?"
"Plans?" I looked up into the clear blue sky. "Well, I'm not going to have a rest. I need to gain mastery in other disciplines, travel, discover new and incredible things. Maybe Egypt? Something new is coming up there. Or the USA. Since I don't have to go to Hogwarts now, I think adventures won't keep me waiting. And my mentor... will keep me straight."
"Yeah, perky girl."
"Ahem, a girl?"
Dumbledore looked at me very carefully and shook his head.
"You should definitely sort out your occlumency. Maybe you'll have an epiphany..."
We stood for a bit longer and then turned around and walked out of the tower simultaneously. I had all my things with me, so I didn't need to go anywhere else. Already at the very bottom, at the exit from the castle, at the gates of which there was only one carriage without a roof, from which Hermione looked at me impatiently, the headmaster and I stopped.
"You know, Headmaster, I don't know how to say goodbye, especially knowing that-"
"Don't worry, Mr. Knight," Dumbledore smiled very kindly. "You are not the only one who suffers from that defect."
"Farewell... perhaps."
"Indeed. You don't."
We nodded at each other with a smile, and I headed for the carriage.
"Well, a friend of my harsh days, what are your plans?"
"I'm going to visit my parents in France for a week or two. And then back. I must continue my studies. I hope Lady Greengrass will still be comfortable with my presence as an assistant."
"I see. Let me know before you return. I'll put you up at my house."
"What?" I smiled. "The house is big, four floors, huge library, three meals a day, change of linen. What, I can't host a friend?"
"Tricky... Very tricky... Okay. Deal," Hermione smiled and nodded. "What were you talking to the Headmaster about?"
"Saying goodbye, Hermione," I leaned back in my seat. "We were saying goodbye."
"Hmm... You make it sound like he's about to die."
Covering my eyes, I thought aloud.
"He really is dying."
"How...? I mean... He hasn't even said anything."
"Like this. A couple of days left. You know, Miona... He doesn't even have a house. That's weird. He's done so much in his life and in his positions. There were so many dangers at school, so many things. Sometimes you think — and there is not enough anger at him. But the most amazing thing here is that in the end, he achieved his goals, no matter what. And now that he's dying, I feel like I've said goodbye to the greatest man I've ever known."
Something dripped on my face.
"It's a terrible day for rain."
So the book has come to an end. Thank you for reading it, and also a special thank you to everyone who supported me on Pаtrеоn! The next book starts on January 15th, so I hope to see you soon :) Happy New Year!
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