Chapter 28 - Sabrina And The Creepy Doll
Julian and Ash finally make it to the gym to see that Sabrina is playing with Brock and Misty's doll, Julian just gets the creep when he sees the doll in Sabrina's hand.
Julian 'That doll is the only reason I didn't want to battle her, I personally think that the doll is too creepy and just imagining it talking to me gives me chills, what a weird girl and her stupid unknown reason to become a physic'
Ash "Sabrina"
Sabrina turns around and sees Ash then she looks at Julian, Julian doesn't give a fuck and walks to the corner and sit down
Sabrina "I knew you would be back and it looks like you brought another friend,"
She is still looking at Julian who is completely ignoring her then she continues talking to Ash
Sabrina "Have you returned for more humiliation, haven't you realized that you will never defeat me"
Ash "Brock and Misty are my friends and I cannot leave them behind, not even if you turn me and all my pokemons into dolls"
Julian 'well at least he has a brave heart to face circumstances'
Doll "If you wanna be a doll too I will be glad to play with you, it will be a one on one battle Sabrina's pokemon will be" she then throws out Kadabra
Julian 'That doll is the most creepy thing in the universe, don't tell me it's not creepy, a doll that talks and wants to turn you into a doll so she could play with you, No No No, forget about talking I don't even want that thing near me'
While Julian was having all these thoughts he outer appearance still remained the same, that same I don't give a fuck attitude
Ash "And for my pokemon I choose Haunter"
Sabrina "Haunter?"
Doll "Well, where is your pokemon?"
Ash looks around to find hunter but looks like Haunter disappeared and he soon starts to panic
Ash "Oh no, not again"
Sabrina "Why don't you forfeit?"
Doll "That way I will have new dolls to play with"
Julian 'can someone shove a fucking cloth in that doll's mouth so it could stop talking, jeezzzz'
Ash "Aaahhhh, Haunter Haunter, you promised me where did you go, please stop hiding Haunter"
Ash enters in full panic mode and calls out Haunter out of his lungs
Sabrina "This time you won't escape"
Doll "Hehehe, My new dolly"
Julian 'For the love of God, if that doll speaks again I will throw a fucking knife at it'
Ash "Dolly?"
Ash loses all his confidence and stumbles on the ground but to his rescue, his Pikachu steps forward, seeing Pikachu standing to protect him he warns Pikachu.
Ash "Pikachu" Ash tries to stop him
Ash "You don't stand a chance against Kadabra, you will get beat up again, come back"
Pikachu "Pi-Pika" Pikachu replies back to ash which only he is able to understand
Ash "You don't want Sabrina to turn me into a doll"
Pikachu "Pikachu" Pikachu nods his head agreeing to Ash and gets ready to battle
Ash "You wanna fight for me?"
Pikachu "Pika" he nods his head again
Ash "Aww, Pikachu you are a real pal"
Ash "Pikachu use thunderbolt"
Sabrina "Kadabra use teleport"
As Pikachu launches thunderbolt Kadabra easily dodges it using Teleport multiple times
Sabrina "Kadabra Psybeam"
Kadabra suddenly appears in front of Pikachu and uses Psybeam and his directly making Pikachu dizzy.
Ash "Hang on there Pikachu, come back on Kadabra with a thunderbolt"
Pikachu shakes of the dizziness and sends a thunderbolt towards Kadabra and hit very hard causing damage to Kadabra
Ash "That's it"
He becomes happy that his attack finally hit but it didn't last long
Sabrina "Recover"
Kadabra uses recover and gets back to perfect health again
Ash "Huh?"
Sabrina "Its impossible for you to win"
Then suddenly Haunter appears out of nowhere and starts to laugh
Ash "Haunter?"
Haunter "Hau Hau Hau Hau"
Doll "Two against ones not fair"
As soon as the doll talks it really ticks Julian so he puts his hand inside his pouch and ready to take out a knife and throw at the doll but suddenly Sabrina's father comes out of nowhere so he stops his action
Sabrina's father "It is just playing around on its own, Haunter is not battling against you so it isn't against the rules"
On the other hand, Haunter starts making funny faces and tries to make Sabrina laugh, he then suddenly takes out a bomb and make it explodes causing Haunter and Sabrina's face turn black, seeing this Haunter starts laughing and after few seconds Sabrina follow up by smiling, seeing her smile her dad becomes very happy
Sabrina's father "She is smiling"
Ash "Is that Sabrina laughing?"
Julian 'it really is so stupid that being her parents they couldn't make her laugh, this scene is killing my brain cells' but on the outside, his facial expression never changed
Sabrina's father "Ever since she started her Psychic training as a little girl I have never seen her laugh like this, I have never seen her this happy in her entire life"
Ash "But if you knew Sabrina since she was a little girl does that mean?"
Sabrina's father "Hmm, you must have figured it out huh"
Ash "You must have taken her baby pictures too"
Julian 'His dumbness it above god level'
Hearing Ash's answer he falls down again as he gets pissed of due to Ash's dumbness
Sabrina's father "Just how dense can a person be"
He shouts at Ash but quickly tones down
Sabrina's father "But I am glad you came back, that haunter has helped Sabrina open up her closed heart"
Ash "What do you mean, Haunter was supposed to battle and defeat Kadabra but he is making friends with the opponent, I will be turned into a doll"
Sabrina's father "Look over there"
He points out towards Kadabra who is rolling around laughing while holding his stomach, seeing this Ash gets confused as what his happening
Ash "I don't get it, it looks like Kadabra is in pain"
Sabrina's father "Kadabra is not in pain, Sabrina and Kadabra are joined telepathically so whatever Sabrina is experiencing Kadabra also shares it so Kadabra is rolling with laughter"
Ash "Haaaaaaa?"
Ash doesn't know what to say as his Jaw drops downwards
Julian, on the other hand, was keeping an eye on the doll the whole time and as it finally disappeared he breathe a sigh of relief
Julian 'I hope that I will never encounter another talking doll in my life'
As the doll disappeared both Brock and Misty turned back to their normal form and there was another person who turned back from a doll to normal and it was Sabrina's mother
Sabrina's father "Since Kadabra is unable to battle I officially declare Pikachu as the winner"
Ash was happy that he won but he still had some conflict with his emotions as he had not won the battle fair and square
Brock and Misty run towards Ash and hugs him
Brock/Misty "Ash you saved us"
Sabrina also stops laughing and walks towards Ash and his friends
Sabrina "I am so sorry for turning you into dolls"
Brock and Misty didn't know what to say so they just accepted the apology
Sabrina turns towards her parents who have finally reunited
Sabrina "Mom, Dad I am so sorry"
Sabrina's father "Its ok Sabrina, I hope you be a good person"
Sabrina's mother "Its alright I forgive you"
As all were talking happily, they hear a voice
Julian "Now that all is settled can I challenge the Gym?"
All of them turned around to see Julian slowly walking towards them, Misty and Brock who had met Julian before get surprised seeing here
Misty "You, I know you, You are that trainer with that scary Gyarados"
Brock "I also know him he had defeated me 2 months ago in a gym battle"
Ash "What you guys know Julian, he was the one who helped me find Haunter but after arriving here I completely forgot about him"
Sabrina's father "Thankyou you man for helping Ash, you have indirectly helped Sabrina recover, as for the battle"
He looks at Sabrina.
Sabrina's father "Sabrina are you able to have another battle?"
Sabrina "Yes dad I and Kadabra are not tired at all, we are ready for another battle"
Julian "Good, then let's get ready"
Julian gets ready and stands at one side of the battlefield as he waits for Sabrina to take her stance.
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