Chapter 9: Sparring with dad
Chapter 9: Sparring with dad
As I continued training the ranking of my skills rose.
Fire: C class
Water: D class
Earth: D class
Wind: D class
Healing: E class
Fire style: D class
Water style: D class
Wind style: D class
Void style: D class
I improved significantly better than last time but not as much as I wanted, and there was only one more year until I'm able to take the test so that I could gain a rank.
Well, there is really no need to rush it. Unlike last time there wasn't any kind of time limit this time around. This anxiety of wanting to become stronger quicker must be the influence of my previous life. Its probably because last time I was in a hurry to gain strength so that I can fight the demon lord.
But in this world, the demons were only as evil as any other human. There was no war to be fought and the monsters were not attacking in large scales. Overall aside from my simple desire to grow strong, because of my past experiences, there really is no need for that kind of strength.
Still, something deep within me is screaming at me, wanting to get stronger. There's this primal urge that urges me forward. I want to gain strength so I can walk in this world with my own brand of justice so that I may never again feel regret. So that when the time of my death comes I would never feel that way again.
A few months after Sarah turned one she spoke her first words and what do you know, her first word was "Brother." How unexpected she would call for me. Instead of mom or dad, she called for me first.
Mom and dad tried everything in their power to make Sarah call on them. Yet no matter what they did, my little sister can only say one word "Brother." Hahaha, it was funny looking at mom and dad. The two looked like they were on the verge of dying. It would seem like my little sister will be quite attached to me. So I carried her and smiled with the most innocent smile I could muster. She started giggling So cuuuute...
The test for me to acquire my rank was drawing near so for the past week instead of practicing forms dad and I would have mock battles. Based on dad's explanation, basically, to acquire a rank one must fight another person with the rank one wishes to achieve.
The examiner will then determine if I have the skill for that rank. Well, that kind of test only applies to the swordsmanship ranking. The magic ranking would allow a rank up if you are able to do at least two spells that were within the same rank of what you want to acquire.
Also to acquire the S rank in swordsmanship of any style there was a trial. Each style of swordsmanship has a different set of trials. So that was the reason for the continuous mock battles.
I wasn't allowed to use magic in mock battles, the reason being while I'm being tested I must use only the sword style I wish to gain the rank of. There were more rules, but those were the important ones.
As I was sparring with dad, not once was I able to hit him. It truly was a difficult task to score even one hit against an opponent like dad. I could only last about five seconds before I'm beaten down. Still, that didn't demoralize me, in fact, that just made me even more excited to achieve victory.
A month has passed and I was still unable to even touch dad during our mock battles. One of the reasons I keep on losing, based on my observations was because of our basic stats, which were too different.
Usually, if someone was stronger than you in every way, from speed to power you need to at least have greater technique. Technique was made so that a person who has weaker physical qualities will be able to beat someone with stronger physical qualities.
The problem was dad had way better technique than me. So not only was physically superior his experience and techniques overwhelmed my own, so how can I beat such an opponent?
I tried formulating numerous plans in my head but all of them ended with me losing badly. There must be an opening somewhere. Dad would definitely make an opening at some point but how can I last long enough so that he would make such an opening. I thought for a while then suddenly something came to me. Though that idea of mine was underhanded there was no other way to win. I don't need to wait for an opening but I need to make an opening,
The following day after I formulated my new plan I asked dad for another mock battle.
"Oh, you seem extra confident today Edge. You think you can hit dad today?"
I smiled confidently and answered, "yes I think today is the day I would successfully hit you, dad."
"Oh really now so which style will we use today?"
"Today let us use the Fire Style." Dad looked at me seemingly deep in thought and then nodded his head.
"OK! Today I will beat you using the Fire Style."
We both readied our stances and slowly moved forward. The Fire Style relied on power and was mainly used for offense. Even its defensive moves were an attack. It was a style that uses an attack to block the opponent's attack.
After ten seconds of fighting dad's demeanor told me he was going to finish it. So it was now or never when I suddenly shouted, "I HATE DAD!"
After I shouted those words my dad's movements stopped and he fell to his knee lifeless. I then easily hit him with the wooden sword.
He looked at me crying my dad was really crying. He then hugged his knees and started mumbling with lifeless eyes
"My son hates me... My son hates me... My son hates me... My son hates me...." He kept repeating the words like it was a curse. Wow, the effect was more than I expected. I was only expecting him to show an opening. I never expected him to become like this.
Seeing how lethargic he was I hugged him. "Sorry dad, I don't hate you. I love dad very much, but that was the only way I could think of to get you to make an opening."
My dad's eyes seem to regain their light while he looked at me with tears in his eyes. "So that was simply a strategy to give you an opening to attack?" I nodded my head in response.
"So you don't really hate your dad?" I nodded my head again while answering. "How could I hate my beloved dad?" Dad wiped off the tears in his eyes and stood up.
"Ok but next time you are not allowed to use that kind of strategy. I admit defeat today but you're not allowed to use that strategy again! Dad really thought he was going to die because of sadness." I could only wryly smile while nodding my head. The effect of that move was too much, I guess I better create an opening some other way.
Well, fighting in such a way really isn't my style. I'll just try my best in bettering my technique and grow stronger that way.
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