Chapter 30: A Game of 4D Chess
Chapter 30: A Game of 4D Chess
"*Sob*Sob*, Our lady is truly merciless in all regards."
Linchon muttered this with a swollen face and several broken bones all over his body as Beatrice proceeded to wipe the blood from her fist. Linchon was beaten half to death after almost accidentally killing Merciless and Hector with his Collapsing Void Star.
After she finished punishing Linchon, her gaze was drawn to a certain red-skinned girl with a panicked expression on her face. As a result of this, she began to flee in terror and fear at this point, horrified by Beatrice.
However, she didn't get far because, without warning, Beatrice teleported right beside the mysterious, red-skinned girl, pulling her by the horn and looking at her with a sadistic smile on her face as she pulled her over to herself and began looking her in the eye with a killing gaze. Even with her blindfold on, the redhead woman could feel Beatrice's menacing gaze.
"EGHHHHAEEEE... BwwWWEatRIcee sa-sasama...
"Heheh, Vague, hehehehe... Tell me, how are you doing, you little slut? Did you miss me?" Say, give me one good reason why I shouldn't murder you right now!"
"Um, come on now, Beatrice, don't be that way; accidents happen, you know." Moreover, what would you expect me to do in the event of a multi-galaxy-level attack coming my way? Do you honestly believe I would willingly sit down and endure an onslaught of that magnitude?"
Vague said with shaky hands and a scared expression on her face. But Beatrice's response to this was her smile widening, as you can see her cute expression slowly transforming into something monstrous and unladylike. She laughed like a maniac, clearly annoyed, as she took out a strange and creepy-looking black spider from her cleavage. Her boobs could as well be a pocket dimension at this point. But, cleavage space aside, she took Vague's lips and gave them a good squeeze, forcing her mouth open. And at this point, Vague was crying blood and trembling, as Beatrice said.
"My, my, it's clear to me that you need more discipline; open up, little red dog." I'll give you something delicious to choke on. I have yet to try it on a live subject, so in exchange for my forgiveness, I will allow you to be my personal guinea pig; so stay still and open wide; don't worry, you won't die, I think; but if you do, your sister can take your place... hehehe."
However, just as Beatrice was about to test her new toy on Vague, Merciless approached her and commented.
"Beatrice, stop it; there is no need to go that far; you saved me in the end, and no one got hurt either way; just let her off the hook."
"But, young master, she nearly killed you; at the very least, I must punish her for her wrongdoing." If I don't, they'll never learn; discipline is important, you know; and, moreover, I'm not going to kill her; I was only going to torment her a little for doing that risky stunt earlier."
"I see; well, I have a better idea; say dog ears; tell me what's your name?"
Merciless inquired of the terrified beauty. On the other hand, Vague looked up to see an exceptionally attractive man towering over her and Beatrice, and the first thing that came to her mind was.
'So handsome! Who in the world is this man? Agh, I want him; he is like a work of art?'
"Oi, Hellmora to dog ears, are you there, oi... oi... say Beatrice, is this woman insane or something? Why is she looking at me like that?"
"Young master, don't pay any attention to this twisted slut, and I would stay as far away from her as possible for your sanity." This whore is attracted to strong, rich, and gorgeous men, and her passion knows no limitations. Of course, I'm not going to stop you from joining her massive harem of wealthy and attractive men. But, young master, I believe your standard should be as high as your position; your father would be disappointed if he discovered you like sloppy seconds and thirds."
When Merciless heard this, he had a shocked face as he looked down at the woman and was surprised that this woman had a harem. He always thought girls weren't into that kind of thing, or maybe he was too quick to judge.
"A harem of wealthy men, you say, hmm... well, I also want a harem of pretty girls, as well; so I won't discriminate against someone for their fetishes, but Beatrice, let me ask you this: are you really going to defy my orders?"
Merciless stated with a solemn smile that was aimed directly at Beatrice, his eyes not opening, but Beatrice felt her blood tremble at his words. As she spoke, trembling slightly, she backed away from Merciless, only to bend before him as her head touched the ground in terror while she spoke in panic.
"I will never dream of doing such a thing, young master."
This astonished everyone, especially Beatrice, because she felt like Michelle would emerge the minute Merciless gave an order that was not followed, and she sensed death at that instant. Merciless was weak, but his father's blood still raced through his veins; as a result, Merciless has the ability to rule all Michellian vampires regardless of power if he so desires. Despite this, Merciless continued to walk over to Beatrice and patted her on the head while saying.
"Good girl! I will reward you later for realizing your place. Now then get up; we still have a lot to do right now, and, as I previously stated, drop the punishment; if anything, I believe she learned her lesson."
"And as for you dog ears, Beatrice was correct that stunt you pulled earlier was extremely dangerous; next time, deflect that attack upwards." What if you had killed everyone here today? Tell me? Do you have anything to say for yourself? And by the looks of it, your also an overseer, right? Honestly, your like a child, but seeing that I saved you from Beatrice. And seeing that you also almost killed me, you owe me quite a lot."
"As such, here's what's going to happen: you diverted that blast towards me, and it almost killed me, and my servant, he is my property, and as such, you owed me something that rivals both our importance. And my life is not cheap, nor is my servant; I will have no back and forth in this matter, and I will be compensated in his case."
"And yes, that also applies to you as well, Mr. Linchon; am I stating that correctly? After all, isn't that what Beatrice calls you? In any case, my point remains the same either way: that attack started with you, so you are just as much to blame as she is. And if you don't cooperate, you'll force my hands to do something I don't want to do, and Beatrice, along with five others, will come here and speak for me if you don't agree with my demands."
Merciless spoke calmly as he addressed their current situation to them, oozing perfect confidence, and any anxiety he had prior was now gone as soon as he began to speak, taking charge of the conversation. And when Vague attempted to speak, Merciless simply put one of his fingers to her lips, gushing her up immediately, and everyone was surprised, but Merciless ignored her. And from there, he picked Beatrice up like a doll, putting her back up on her feet while brushing her off.
And then he said to her,
"Now, Beatrice, please lead the way; you said we had a lot to do, right?" So, take me wherever you want to take me, and Miss Vague, please remember that the next time someone asks you for your name, it is just common courtesy to respond to them; even if the name is an alias, manners is manners after all. With that said, I hope to see both of you soon. Good evening!"
Merciless turned to Lady Vague and remarked, leaving both Linchon and Lady Vague dumbfounded as they both watched the back of the unknown third party that they almost killed.
"Did we just get scolded by a kid for not having better manners?" How inconvenient! Because of our silly error, I feel like I just received a huge blow to my pride. But I have to ask, Who the hell is he? What type of individual has such power over that demonic woman? It was the first time I saw her so afraid of someone else, and wasn't Michellian supposed to be fearless?"
Lady Vague, on the other hand, was taken aback by this new person who had entered the House of Ghal. She held her heart and spoke out.
"Oh my, hehehe... it's been a while since I've seen a male that I'm interested in." Ohhh, hair that shines like gold; even his aura was golden; skin that was pleasant to the touch; and a voice so beautiful it seemed like an angel was speaking to me; I want him in my collection; and those tatoos and his dominant attitude. He even made that demonic woman grovel before him; AHHHHH... it was such a turn-on to see that."
Vague murmured this while clasping her hands like a love-struct schoolgirl. Linchon, on the other hand, gave Vague a deadpan expression, as he stated to her.
"You want to tame someone like that; good luck, you crazy woman." Someone who can make that demonic woman bow like that is not a regular person. He is less powerful than any of us here based on his aura, yet he is far from insignificant; and given that butler, I swear to god he looks familiar; but where have I seen him before... hmmm... either way; that young man is definitely a noble vampire that is high up, most likely a pure blood."
"A pureblood ha; that means he's probably from the royal family; but what branch of vampire do you think he's from?" Do you believe he is a Michellian vampire? Hmm... perhaps he is that famed manipulator son; what was his name again? you know the right-hand man of that monster, oh yeah, Quincy."
Vague said aloud, wondering if Merciless was the offspring of the famous right hand of the Facless monster Michelle Elderblood. If so, he would be a member of the royal family, as Quincy was the only vampire known to share Michelle's blood, but not in the traditional sense, as Michelle never sired anyone. However, in order for the Michellians to exist, a Michellian vampire must first be accountable for them. It was well known that Quincy Merley began as Dampa and was never sired; instead, he evolved into a vampire and continued to advance through the ranks until he arrived where he is today.
If such was the case, this pure blood had quite a powerful political standing; this made Vague even more interested in Merciless.
"I'm really tempted to seduce him right now."
Vague was an enchantress, a whore, and a countess in the Loviatar clan, as well as a very powerful elder. Although, for lack of a better phrase, she was a thot and an all-around big pervert who was into a number of fetishes, including some dubious ones."
This was Lichon's response to this thirsty nympho vampire.
"I swear to Eos above, if you think you can seduce someone like that, you're on fucking perk, and that is just sad; and you heard the kid, he wants a harem of his own." Pure bloods aren't conventional vampires in any case; unlike us, who were once humans and were not born as vampires, pure bloods exist in their own league. Even though Quincy is not a royal vampire, he is still recognized as such; some even go so far as to call him the true father of the Michellians, because that faceless monster never sired anyone; some even speculate that Michelle is unable to sire in the first place, making him a defective progenitor; others say he never sired because he is simply too arrogant and selfish to consider sharing his potent blood to leave behind an heir."
Vague merley laughed as she looked towards Linchon and reacted as such.
"You poor fool; my charms know no bounds; I seduced a great demon before; a mere pure blood will be easy to seduce. And beside, if he wants a harem, he can; several of my husbands have harems of their own. As long as they keep having babies, that's all I really care about; after all, this body is my daughter's body. Well, it was once my daughter's body. But you know how I do things, fufufu!!"
"Again, seek help; in any case, I don't think you have a chance with him." But, more importantly, how can you be so careless as to direct my attack at the 2nd Overseer, you lunatic nympho? You know how impatient Beatrice can be; do you have a death fetish or something?"
Linchon inquired of Vague, plainly upset that this woman nearly murdered him, and the fact that Beatrice only beat him half to death was considered a blessing given how brutal she can be to people who irritate her. But Vague, who was irritated by Linchon's remark, answered in kind.
"Are you fucking insane, Linchon?" Yes, I have numerous fetishes, but I dislike the idea of transforming into my male form in order to seduce that demon of a woman. I won't lie, adding her to my harem would be beneficial, but she... she... she scares me; to be honest, she scares me more than the first Overseer. And if the rumors about her being comparable to the founder are true, that means we're talking about a vampire who can compete with Eos's fourth daughter. Do you have any idea how absurd that fucking is? We're talking about a great elder with power equal to the king's 4th daughter, and each of the king's daughters is believed to be a living embodiment of Lord Eos' best traits."
Vague commented, but Linchon appeared bewildered as he responded in kind.
"Then how do you come about explaining why that attack came flying straight towards the second? Tell me, Vague."
"As I said, Lichon, I redirected that blast upwards; do you think I'm that stupid to make something of that magnitude plummet downwards on the planet?" Linchon, I know what you're capable of; I'm older than you, but your Ichor is busted as hell that my years mean nothing to you, the so-called super rookie; I still can't believe you absorb the remains of a deceased alien god. Tell me how Void is doing and whether he's still bothersome."
"You have no idea how irritating he is, Vague; if only I had known that absorbing that spinal cord would also mean absorbing the consciousness of that thing inside of me as well." I would have abandoned that thing the moment I found those remains; he irritates me to no end."
Linchon informed Vague that, on the other hand, a giant invisible blob of floating flesh, or better yet, an immense blight of chaos, whose flesh was vanta black, resembling a giant dragon head fused with a serpent and an octopus, was floating behind Linchon. And it began to talk as it wrapped its phantom tentacles around Linchon tigthly, its whirling crimson eyes filled with madness peering down at him.
[Hehehe... my, my... you hate little old me so much, ha?" Well, the feelings are mutual asshole; how dare you desecrate my tomb in such a way? But in any case, be thankful you gained a small, insignificant amount of my power as a result of it, you undead waste.]
'Just ignore Linchon, Just ignore.'
That being said, Linchon Returning his gaze to Vague, he commented, dismissing this so-called consciousness of a dead God he termed Void. As he told Vague, he was becoming concerned about what was going on.
"Void aside, Vague, this is a serious matter; if you did not reroute the attack towards our lady Overseer Beatrice, who did?" And, more to the point, who has that type of power to deflect my collapsing void star? Beatrice, I understand, but anyone other than the Overseers of the House of Ghal, I don't; after all, once hit by my void star, you are conceptually erased from existence. Collapsing void star is a divine attack laced with demonic Miasma to intensify it even more; it is not something anybody can redirect; for one thing, you must be immune to existence erasure, and for another, that thing is extremely destructive, capable of even devouring billions of galaxy-sized black holes from existence. The void above is proof of its destructive force; I'm simply grateful things ended the way they did; it could have ended a lot worse; though the blond was correct, in a way, this event was entirely my fault; at the very least I owe him."
"But what I'm trying to say is that, aside from the Overseers, I don't know anyone else who can deflect my attack." Unless an unforeseen third party was involved and someone infiltrated our main base of operations, should we mention this to Her Royal Highness Keziah? If someone who is not a member of the House of Ghal intrudes, it could imply that other factions are trying to pry where their eyes do not belong."
Lichon explained the issue Vague had yet to observe; however, Linchon's explanation was clear and easy to understand, and it made Vague nod her head as she stood up and remarked.
"I see your point, but I don't think anyone could easily infiltrate this place; we're literally inside Her Royal Highness' domain of absolution; in this place, she is technically God." She has eyes and ears everywhere; do you really believe someone can easily get past the first? No! Let me refrain; it's virtually impossible to go past something like that unless you're a God-like being as well; see, maybe I overlooked my deflection; let's just assume that attack was directed toward the second Overseer and his friends because of me, and let us end this nonsense right here."
Linchon stroked his head and answered in response to Vague's statement.
"Well, I guess you're right! I don't want to create a bigger scene than what you and I have already created tonight. Aside from that, we have a very crucial meeting with Her Royal Highness and the other Overseers in about fifteen minutes. As a result, let's get going."
"I agree; let's go to the meeting hall at her royal highness's mansion."
With that said, Linchon and Vague went towards the meeting hall located deeper into the forest.
As the two of them walked away, a tan-skinned man in a butler's uniform appeared, with a set of miniature demonic horns on his head and a black blindfold over his eyes. And it was at this point that he began to approach a lovely woman in her late thirties. She was dressed in a lovely gold gown. She has clear skin and long, curly, dark hazel-colored hair.
The woman had an extremely voluptuous shape, and she, like everyone else here, had a black blindfold over her eyes. She had a big ass and bouncy set of boobs that were firm and looked soft to the touch; she wore gold high heels and a lot of jewelry around her body, plainly displaying her affluence. The butler was ogling the gorgeous woman, who had a charm that was difficult to miss or ignore, and she was currently alone watching the Overseer stroll into the woodland, smiling as if she were pleased with something.
The butler blushed just looking at her. He had seen many beautiful women in his long life, but this woman had a certain charm that was rare to find in vampire society. As a result, the butler approached the woman in a professional manner, bowing and delivering a tray filled with wine.
"Madam, can I offer you a cup of our finest beverage, Castcode wine from Planet Artrium, diluted with water from the astral spring in the dream realm, and mixed with the blood of a hundred-year-old virgin!"
The woman looks at the butler as she selects a cup of wine from the tray of several; nevertheless, the woman appears to be a cunning one, as the butler fails to notice how the woman places a small orange pill in one of the cups. It was almost as if this particular cup would unquestionably be chosen by the person that woman desired. The woman then glanced at the man while taking the drink and holding it in an arrogant gesture, as she stated to him.
"Thank you; as a tip for your services, go to the western city of Agrous on planet Oglar. Make sure to go to the Plomerian bar at noon on Sunday at 1:34 p.m. The game of jesters will begin; the winner takes all; the code is in the 12th box of the flame glass; do not pick the red or grey box; and when all is done. There you will find your future wife-to-be; fourteen years earlier than intended, so your welcome; that way you won't have to look at another man's wife. With that said, have a good night, Mr. Pervert."
The woman said it in a calm tone and on point nonetheless, almost as if she were an all-knowing person; this bewildered the man as he watched the woman walk off into the distance, as he thought to himself.
The hazle-haired woman, on the other hand, proceeded to walk off into the distance, as she said to herself while sipping the cup of wine heads up, draining it of nothing. And from there, she flung it into the air. It then flips fourteen times in the air on its way up and down, landing on the bouncing body of a big pig vampiric monster. The cup then bounced off the monster's belly, slinging onto the tray of a passing butler, who didn't even realize that an empty cup had appeared in his tray. From there, the woman smiled wickedly as she looked at the gorgeous crimson moons in the sky, folding her arms, evidently happy with her mischievous pranks.
"Well, Merciless darling, you've already taken advantage of the first situation; being afraid of death was a small price to pay for what you'll get in return." Now, with this second prank in action, I have no doubt you will succeed; however, you will suffer quite a bit in this ceremony, but you need the characteristics of that monster to face the next challenge that will come your way; with that, my duty here is done, and now I need to prepare for the next events. Hmm, yeah, this isn't going to be easy at all."
The woman, who was undoubtedly Brunhilde, said to herself, but considering that she wasn't being watched at the time, she used the opportunity to vanish; where she had gone this time around, no one knows but her.
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